2024. 5. 30. 22:29ㆍ영어/java
usually, python programmer is easy to learn pathon. because they can learn it with python shell. That's why python is easy to learn
From java 9, java is equally easy to learn - JShell
JShell is java REPL(Read Eval Print Loop)
Let's learn this hands-on.
go to command prompt. enter "jshell"
enter "/help intro"
You can see the sentence "The jshell tool allows you to execute Java code, getting immediate results.". it means if you enter java code, you can immediately see the result.
For example, if you enter "5 * 9". you can see the result.
if you type wrong java code. JShell let you know what make it error.
To go out of JShell, type "/exit"
if you go into JShell again, enter "jshell"
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