java operator
Operator1) multiplicationuse '*'ex) 5 * 5 = 25 2) additionuse '+'ex) 5 + 5 = 10 3) subtractionuse '-'ex) 5 - 5 = 0 4) modulusex) 10 % 3 = 1 The number operated on by an operator is called an operand. A literal is a specific data value that appears directly in the source code.if you want to practice hands-on. use jshell to practice it.if you don't know how to use jshell, then check this link. htt..
2024.06.06 -
usually, python programmer is easy to learn pathon. because they can learn it with python shell. That's why python is easy to learn From java 9, java is equally easy to learn - JShellJShell is java REPL(Read Eval Print Loop) Let's learn this hands-on.go to command prompt. enter "jshell" enter "/help intro" You can see the sentence "The jshell tool allows you to execute Java code, getting immed..
2024.05.30 -
Installing java(windows)
1) searching word "java jdk download" on goole 2) click the linkhttps://www.oracle.com/kr/java/technologies/downloads/ Download the Latest Java LTS FreeSubscribe to Java SE and get the most comprehensive Java support available, with 24/7 global access to the experts.www.oracle.com 3) jdk download and execute fileyou can find the file at C:\Program Files\Java 4) edit the system enviroment variab..