토스 - part3 문제 8

2023. 6. 24. 00:08영어/토익스피킹


part3 표현 정리 게시글에 있는 표현으로 답변을 만들거니 밑에 글을 먼저 보기를 권장



part3 표현 정리

MTCQ 표현 Money(좋은점) > It saves money > I can save money > It's cheap > It's cost efficient > it doesnt cost a lot of money > It is very affordable. > The price is reasonable Money(나쁜점) > It's a waste of money > It costs a lot of money > It's



문제 보면서 답변 만들기


질문 > Where did you purchase your laptop computer, and when did you purchase it?


해설 > 무언가를 사거나 찾거나 팔거나 등등 온라인으로 할 수 있는것이 많다. 무엇을 어디서 샀는지 물어보면 온라인에서 샀다고해라. 온라인의 장점에 대해서 말할꺼리가 생긴다.


답 > I purchased my laptop computer online becaues it's cost-efficient and it saves time. And I purchased it six months ago.






질문 > What is the best way to get information about new laptom computers? why?


해설 > 무언가를 사거나 찾거나 팔거나 할때 인터넷이나 온라인을 언급하고 여기에 대한 장점으로 인터넷, 온라인 패턴을 사용해주면 된다.


인터넷, 온라인 패턴 : I can easily access the internet by using a smartphone. That means it is possible to get information anywher anytime conveniently.


답 > I think the Internet is the best way to get information about new laptop computers. Besides, I can easily access the internet by using a smartphone. That means it is possible to get information anywher anytime conveniently.



질문 > I'm thinking about purchasing a new laptop computer soon. What do you think is the most important function or feature that my laptop computer should have?


해설 > 노트북을 살때 가장 중요한게 무엇인지 물어보는 문제로 불쌍한 학생 패턴으로 가려면 가격이 가장 중요하다고 하고 하면된다. 


불쌍한 학생인척 (시간이나 돈 없을때) : Since I'm a college student, I live on a tight budget(시간이면 schedule). So, saving money(시간이면 time) is very important for me.


답 > I think the most important function or feature that a laptop computer should have is low price. Since I am a college student, I live on a tight budget. So saving money is very important for me. And the quality of cheap laptop is very good. I can save money. That's why low price is the most important feature.



'영어 > 토익스피킹' 카테고리의 다른 글

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