토스 - part3 문제 13

2023. 6. 24. 14:44영어/토익스피킹


part3 표현 정리 게시글에 있는 표현으로 답변을 만들거니 밑에 글을 먼저 보기를 권장



part3 표현 정리

MTCQ 표현 Money(좋은점) > It saves money > I can save money > It's cheap > It's cost efficient > it doesnt cost a lot of money > It is very affordable. > The price is reasonable Money(나쁜점) > It's a waste of money > It costs a lot of money > It's



문제 보면서 답변 만들기


질문 > When was the last time you purchased something online? And how much money did you spend?


해설 > 저번에 언제 온라인으로 무언가를 샀는지 묻고 얼마를 지불했는지 묻는다. 일단 가격을 물었으니 money와 관련된 돈 절약 패턴을 사용하면 되겠다.


돈 절약 :  It's cost efficient, so I can save money.


답 > The last time I purchased something online was two weeks ago, and I spendt sixty dollars. It's cost efficient, so I can save a lot of money.



질문 > Do you have a favorite online shopping mall?


해설 > 가장 좋아하는 온라인 쇼핑몰이 있냐? 물어보는 거니 있는경우 그 온라인 쇼핑몰에 대한 장점을 물어보면 된다. MTCQ에서 Money와 Quality에 대해 언급하면 될듯


답 > Yes I have a favorite online shopping mall. The price is very reasonable. And The quality of clothes is very good.




질문 > What do you think are some disadvantages of shopping online?


해설 > 일단 온라인 쇼핑을 하면서 돈에 대한 언급을 불쌍한 학생 패턴으로 가고 중독 패턴으로 단점을 하나 추가 할 수 있다.


불쌍한 학생인척 (시간이나 돈 없을때) : Since I'm a college student, I live on a tight budget(시간이면 schedule). So, saving money(시간이면 time) is very important for me.


중독 패턴 :  I think online shopping (중독대상) is very addictive. people often waste too much time doing online shopping(중독행동) for no particular reason.


답 > There are some disadvantages of shopping online. First of all, The product is very expensive. Since I'm a college student I line on a tight budget. so saving money is very important for me. Secondly, I think online shopping is very addictive. people often waste too much time doing online shopping for no particular reason.


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