토스 - part3 문제 19

2023. 6. 25. 05:38영어/토익스피킹


part3 표현 정리 게시글에 있는 표현으로 답변을 만들거니 밑에 글을 먼저 보기를 권장



part3 표현 정리

MTCQ 표현 Money(좋은점) > It saves money > I can save money > It's cheap > It's cost efficient > it doesnt cost a lot of money > It is very affordable. > The price is reasonable Money(나쁜점) > It's a waste of money > It costs a lot of money > It's



문제 보면서 답변 만들기


질문 > When was the last time you went to a coffee shop? And what did you order?


해설 > 언제 마지막으로 커피숍에 갔고 무엇을 시켰는지 물어본다. 메뉴를 아무거나 말하고 MTCQ 중에서 Money 관련 표현을 쓰면 좋을듯 하다.


답 > The last time I went to a coffee shop was yesterday. And I ordered Ice coffee latte. It doesn't cost a lot of money. so I can save money.





질문 > How far is the nearest coffee shop from your home?


해설 > 이건 뭐 볼 것도 없이 장소 관련 표현 쓰면 된다.


장소관련 : It's only five minutes away from where I live. I like it because it saves time and it's very convenient.


답 > The nearest coffee ship is only 5 minutes away from where I live. I like it because it saves time and it's very convenient.




질문 > if a new coffee shop opended in your area, do you think it would be successful? Why or Why not?


해설 > 우리 지역에 커피숍을 차리면 커피집이 별로 없어서 잘 될거라고 하고 커피의 건강적인 장점에 대해서 건강표현을 사용해보자. 그리고 커피에는 중독성이 있으니 사람들이 중독되면 커피숍은 잘될거다. 중독 표현도 사용해보자.


건강 관련

- it's physically(mentally도 가능) refresing

- it's good for my physical(mentally도 가능) health

- it has a positive effect on the body(mind 도 가능)

- it helps to reduce my stress

- it gives me energy


중독 패턴: I think coffee is very addictive. people often waste too much time drinking coffee for no particular reason.


답 > If a new coffee shop opended in my area. I think it would be successful. Because there is only a few coffee shops in this area. And I think There are many advantages of coffee. Cooffee is good for my body. It has a positive effect on my body and mind. Also It helps to reduce my stress from work. 

and Coffee is very addictive. people often waste too much time drinking coffee for no particular reason. That's why I think it would be successful.





'영어 > 토익스피킹' 카테고리의 다른 글

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