토스 - part3 문제 20

2023. 6. 25. 05:59영어/토익스피킹


part3 표현 정리 게시글에 있는 표현으로 답변을 만들거니 밑에 글을 먼저 보기를 권장



part3 표현 정리

MTCQ 표현 Money(좋은점) > It saves money > I can save money > It's cheap > It's cost efficient > it doesnt cost a lot of money > It is very affordable. > The price is reasonable Money(나쁜점) > It's a waste of money > It costs a lot of money > It's



문제 보면서 답변 만들기


질문 > How often do you go to music concerts? And who do you usually go with?


해설 > 뮤직 콘서트에 얼마나 자주 가는지 물어보고 빈도가 높으면 I love to ~~~ 사용하고 아니면 I don't like to ~ 사용하면 된다. 그리고 보통 누구랑 가는지 물어보는데 경험 패턴을 사용하면 된다.


경험 > I usually do something with my best friend , John , because I have a very good relationship with him


답 > I go to music concerts once a month. I love to go to music concerts. And I usually go with my best friend John. Because I have a good relationship with him.




질문 > What kind of music concerts do you usually go to? Why?


해설 > 어떤 종류의 음악 콘서트에 가는지 물어보는데 특정 음악 장르를 언급하고 좋은이유를 말하면 된다. 좋은 이유로

- It's fun and interesting.

- It helps to reduce my stress.

- It makes me feeel good.

- It gives me energy.

- It's a great way to kill time

- When I was young my father was rock artist, I love rock.


part3 표현정리에서 위와 같은 표현들이 적합해 보인다.


답 > I usually go to rock concerts. Because It's fun and interesting. Also when I was young my father was rock artist, So I love music.




질문 > Do you prefer to go to a music concert or listen to music at home? Why?


해설 > 집에서 음악 듣는걸 좋아한다고 하고, 불쌍한 학생 패턴으로 가자. 그리고 콘서트장에 가능것에 대한 단점들을 말하자.


불쌍한 학생 패턴 :  Since I'm a college student, I live on a tight budget(시간이면 schedule). So, saving money(시간이면 time) is very important for me.


답 > I preger to list to music at home. Because I am not afford to go to a music concert. It's very expensive. Since I am a college student, I live on a tight budget. So saving money is very important for me. Also goint to a music concert is time consuming. It takes long to go there. That's why I preger to listen to music at home.





'영어 > 토익스피킹' 카테고리의 다른 글

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